About Our Club

The Rotary Club of Chicago Cosmopolitan was charted in June 2015. The club consists of approximately 50 regularly-attending professionals that meet after work on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at Elephant & Castle, 111 W Adams St, Chicago, IL 60603 from 6:30-7:30 pm. Our meetings are usually held in the basement of Elephant and Castle in the Buckingham room. Our sponsoring club was the Rotary Club of Chicago.

Rotary Club of Chicago Cosmopolitan is part of District 6450. Our Club ID is 86797.

What our club offers

Chicago Cosmopolitan Offers:

  • Biweekly meetings. Although you are not required to attend every meeting, you will have so much fun meeting new people when you attend!
  • Fundraising events. We fundraise for a multitude of causes, including international service projects, disaster relief, local projects, and for our general club administration.
  • Local community service. Our club is incredibly active in the community, and we specialize in projects that help children and the elderly. We have a different local community service event every month.
  • Social events. Each month, we have a social event for all of our club members to hang out and get to know one another better. This can be over happy hour, ping pong, board games, and more!
  • International community service. Want to volunteer in India? Visit an orphanage in Latin America? Work in clinics in Africa? The possibility are endless with Rotary. Tell us about your interests!

What’s expected of me?

What Rotarians get out of Rotary depends largely on what they put into it. Membership requirements are designed to help members more fully participate in and enjoy their Rotary experience. As a club member, you’ll be asked to:

Attend meetings and events

Attending club meetings and community service events allows members to enjoy their club’s fellowship and enrich their professional and personal knowledge. We recommend that you attend two events or more per month, which could be a combination of meetings, social events, committee meetings, or community service events.

Pay club dues

Member dues cover club operating expenses, including Rotary International and District Dues.

Rotary International$7.50
District 6450$9.17
Every Rotarian Every Year*$8.33
Club money$15.00
Total monthly dues$40.00

*Optional but highly recommended – Every Rotarian is encouraged to give $100 per year to the Rotary Foundation. Participation in this program helps to keep the foundation strong. Our club has been recognized several years in a row for having 100% member participation.

Use your professional skills and talents to make a difference

By participating in club service projects, committees, and meetings, members learn about their club’s involvement in local and international projects and can volunteer their time and talents where they are most needed.

Abide by the “4-way test”

Rotary is a network of business, professional and community leaders, who have a culture of high level of integrity and purpose. One of Rotary’s core principles is the “4-way Test” which governs ethical standards. Rotarians are expected to be ethical in business and personal relationships.

Of the things we think, say, and do:

  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Organizational Structure

Board of Directors

Our club has 5 members on the Board and must have the Past-President, President, and President Elect as part of it’s board. Board Meetings are held once a month. As a paid member, you are invited to attend a Board Meeting. They take place according to our club calendar, usually right after one of our regular meetings.